Technical Shiksa


AIM-To study the operation of inverting op-AMP using IC 741

Components: broadband, connecting wire, IC 741 ,DC power supply, variable resistor.


supply voltage-+_18v,input bias current-800mA,Power dissipation-500 m W, Input impedance-0.3 to 2m ohm, Output impedance -75 ohm operating temperature -0 to 70 degree c. slow rate-0.5 v/u per sec

theory: 1)op AMP is high gain DC amplifier which basically consist of different amplifier. In amplifier input is applied to inverting amplifier and non inverting amplifier terminal is grounded.

2)inverting voltage feedback is obtained through R.

3) The output signal is 180 degree out of phase with input.

4)The inverting AMP can be used as current to voltage converter and sign changer and inverter.


1) connect 10 k ohm potentiometer between pin1,pin4,pin 5 as shown.

2)connect pin 2 to ground and observe output oltage.

3)adjust the 10K potentiometer to make output voltage zero.

4)design the circuit for different gain and apply +_VS to op MP circuit

  1. apply DC voltage through potentiometer.
  2. vary potentiometer and apply various DC input signal value and observe output.
  3. calculate gain for each DC input value.

Conclusion: Thus ,an OP AMP can be used as an inverting amplifier.

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