MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION FOR ELECTRICIAN 3 months ago TEST NO 1-BASIC INSTRUMENT Electrician MCQ-1 (BASIC EINSTRUMENT) 1 / 20 When inductances are connected in series, the equivalent inductance is ____________ the largest individual inductance. Greater than Less than Equal to Not related to 2 / 20 When inductors are connected in series, the voltage across each inductor is ? Equal Different Zero Infinity 3 / 20 What A capacitor consists Two conductors Two dielectrics Two semiconductors Two insulators 4 / 20 Calculate the current in the capacitor having 2V supply voltage and 3F capacitance in 2seconds. 2A 5A 6A 3A 5 / 20 What is the relation between current and voltage in a capacitor? I=1/C*integral(Vdt) I=CdV/dt I=1/CdV/dt I=Ct 6 / 20 when handling greater currents induction wattmeter are used in conjunction with why A potentiometer may be used? potential transformer current transformer power transformer energy transformer 7 / 20 How Resistances can be measured ? Wattmeter voltmeter ammeter ohmmeter and resistance bridge 8 / 20 what are integrating instrument ? Ammeters Voltmeters Wattmeters Ampere-hour and Watt-hour meters 9 / 20 What Electrodynamic types of instruments are used commonly for the measurement of Current Resistance Voltage Power 10 / 20 Which of the following material will be preferred as a shunt for extending the range of measurement of a voltmeter Copper Steel . Aluminum Mangnesium 11 / 20 what happens when the other bulbIf two bulbs are connected in parallel and one bulb blows out? The other bulb blows out as well The other bulb continues to glow with the same brightness The other bulb glows with increased brightness The other bulb stops glowing 12 / 20 When The current in each branch of a parallel circuit is proportional to--- The amount of time the circuit is on for Proportional to the value of the resistors Equal in all branches Proportional to the power in the circuit 13 / 20 What happens to the current in the series circuit if the resistance is doubled? It becomes half its original value It becomes double its original value It becomes zero It becomes infinity 14 / 20 What is the voltage measured across a series short? Infinite Zero The value of the source voltage Null 15 / 20 which of the parameters remain constant across all circuit elements such as resistor, capacitor and inductor etceter in series circuit Voltage Current Both voltage and current Neither voltage nor current 16 / 20 What is the reciprocal of resistivity? Conductance Resistance Conductivity Impedance 17 / 20 what is the The SI unit of power ? kW(kilo-watt) J/s(joules per second) Ws(watt-second) J/h(joules per hour 18 / 20 what is the unit of Kilowatt-hour(kWh)? Current Power Energy Resistance 19 / 20 what a Electric field terminates ? Positive charge Negative charge Both positive and negative Neither positive nor negative 20 / 20 What The unit for inductance ? Ohm Henry A/m A/s Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More{{/message}}{{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More{{/message}}Submitting…